Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP)

The Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP) requires all students to meet and maintain specific academic standards. The Financial Aid office is required to do a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of a student¡¯s academic record before federal funds are released for disbursement. In addition, a maximum timeframe for the completion of the program is calculated. Progress is measured after grades are received for each term. A term for students in the IETP and TIETP programs is equivalent to an 8-week session. A term for students in the BA and MBA programs is a 16 week semester.

Grade Changes

To maintain SAP, a student must:

  1. Maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.0 (for BA, TIETP/IETP students) or 3.0 (for MBA students).

  2. Complete at least 67 percent of all attempted credit hours

  3. Complete a certificate or a degree program in a maximum timeframe of no more than 150 percent of the program's published length

Please note the following information regarding SAP:

  • The student¡¯s academic record, all transfer credits and all credits attempted while not receiving financial aid are included in SAP review.

  • Students who are not meeting SAP requirements will NOT have their financial aid award scheduled until they have received an approved appeal.

  • Students enrolled as F-1 students who are not meeting the SAP requirements may have their SEVIS status terminated.

  • Students that do not meet SAP requirements will have all financial aid suspended including federal, state or, institutional grants/scholarships.

  • Students awarded financial aid in error while not meeting SAP requirements will be responsible for repayment of funds received.

NOTE:F-1 students must be in compliance with SEVIS regulations throughout the semester to remain in status. Students may be dismissed for excessive absences.

Academic Good Standing

A student is deemed to be making satisfactory progress toward the academic goal if the student maintains a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.0 or higher for certificate or undergraduate degree or 3.0 or higher for a graduate degree. This student is deemed to be in

Measuring Academic Progress

Students¡¯ academic progress is reviewed at the end of each term to measure qualitative (grade point average), quantitative (number of credits earned) and the maximum time frame for completion of the program of study.

Cumulative completion rate = cumulative earned credits divided by cumulative attempted credits.

Semester credit hours are considered earned semester credit hours when students earn a minimum grade of D- in a class (a minimum grade of C for MBA students). When a student does NOT earn at least the minimum grade, the credit(s) are considered attempted semester credit hours, but NOT earned semester credit hours. For example, a student who enrolls in a 3 credit semester class and earns an ¡°F¡± grade at the end of the semester, attempted 3 credit hours but earned 0 credit hours.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Warning (SAP Warning)

A student in good standing whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 or 3.0 (as applicable) will be on SAP Warning status during the next term. A student will be removed from this warning status and returned to good standing if the student achieves a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 or 3.0 (as applicable) at the end of the term on warning status. Students placed on SAP Warning are notified by email andground mail. SAP Warning Status may not be appealed by a student. Students on SAP Warning may register for no more than:

  • 7.5 credit hours per session for the Intensive English and TOEFL? Preparation program

  • 12 credit hours per semester for the BA degree program

  • 9 credit hours per semester for the MBA degree program

Students on SAP Warning are required to review SAP standards to understand the risks of dismissal, and must meet with their academic advisor as required by the advisor but no less than once every four weeks. Financial aid is available to students on SAP Warning for one payment period.

Dismissal from University

Students on SAP Warning who do not subsequently meet SAP standards are dismissed from the University. Dismissed students are notified by email and ground mail. Students that exceed maximum timeframe of 150% of the published length of the program are dismissed from the University.

Appeal of Dismissal from University

Using a form available in the Academics Office, students may appeal dismissal status. A dismissal appeal must include documented mitigating circumstances (i.e., death in the immediate family, medical problems and/or extreme personal problems.), stated to have been inhibitory to maintaining satisfactory academic progress standards, and further stated no longer to be inhibitory to maintaining satisfactory academic progress standards. Documentation of these circumstances must be submitted with the appeal.

  • All degree students, who have a CGPA below 2.0 and a completion rate below 50%, will be required to submit an academic plan in addition to the SAP appeal. An academic plan must be created with an academic advisor.

  • The appeal must be delivered in person, by email or by ground mail. The appeal must be submitted to Academics Office prior to the census date of the next term

  • A student who has filed a financial aid appeal must be prepared to pay the registration fee regardless of the pending appeal.

  • A student successfully appealing dismissal status is placed on academic probation and considered to be making satisfactory academic progress. Students on academic probation are notified by email and ground mail. Students on academic probation must meet with their academic advisor every 4 weeks and meet the terms of their academic plan.

  • An academic plan, terms of which supersede other academic progress criteria, may be generated for students on academic probation.

Reestablishing Satisfactory Academic Progress

A student can regain eligibility for financial aid by doing these three things and notifying the ÀÇÓѸó Financial Aid Office when they have been accomplished:

  1. Complete a minimum of full-time enrollment credit hours without the benefit of financial aid.

  2. Meet the minimum cumulative GPA requirement; and

  3. Complete 100 percent of attempted credit hours.

Note:A student who has lost eligibility may not automatically regain it by paying out-of-pocket for the enrolled classes or sitting out (not attending) for a semester.

A student on academic warning or academic probation who meets the relevant, minimum CGPA earned and attempted completion rate, or meets the criteria of an academic plan, is removed from warning or probation status and is considered to be meeting satisfactory academic progress.

Failure to Reestablish Satisfactory Academic Progress - Students on Academic Probation

Students on academic probation, who fail to meet SAP standards, or fail to meet the requirements of an academic plan, are dismissed from the University.

Other Policies