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A-Z of Courses

Are you still deciding what to study? Take a look Course and Program Catalogue for our tips on choosing your course.

of course

  • ABS - Applied Biosciences
  • ACBS - Animal & Comp Biomed Sciences
  • ACCT - Accounting
  • AED - Agricultural Education Main
  • AEDV - Agricultural Educ UA South
  • AFAS - Africana Studies Main
  • AGTM - Agricultural Technology Mgmt
  • AIAR - App Intercul Arts Res
  • AIS - American Indian Studies Main
  • AISV - American Indian St. UA South
  • ALC - Agricultural Leadership & Comm
  • AME - Aerospace & Mechanical Engr
  • ANES - Anesthesiology
  • ANSP - Anesthesiology
  • ANTH - Anthropology Main
  • ANTV - Anthropology UA South
  • APCV - Applied Computing
  • APPL - Applied Mathematics
  • ARB - Arabic
  • ARC - Architecture
  • ARCE - Architectural Engineering
  • ARE - Art Education
  • AREC - Agric & Resource Economics
  • ARH - Art History
  • ARL - Arid Lands Resource Science
  • ART - Art
  • ASM - Agricultural Systems Mgmt
  • ASTR - Astronomy
  • ATMO - Atmospheric Sciences
  • BASV - Bachelor Applied Science Core
  • BAT - Biosystems Analytics & Tech
  • BCOM - Business Communications
  • BE - Biosystems Engineering
  • BGS - Bachelor of General Studies
  • BIOC - Biochemistry
  • BIOS - Biostatistics
  • BJP - Bilingual Journalism
  • BME - Biomedical Engineering
  • BMS - Basic Medical Sciences
  • BNAD - Business Administration
  • CALS - Agriculture & Life Sciences
  • CBIO - Cancer Biology
  • CE - Civil Engineering
  • CHEE - Chemical & Environmental Engr
  • CHEM - Chemistry
  • CHN - Chinese Studies
  • CHS - Care, Health & Society
  • CLAS - Classics
  • CMM - Cellular & Molecular Medicine
  • COGS - Cognitive Science
  • COMM - Communication
  • COOP - Coop Work Phase
  • CPH - Public Health
  • CRL - Critical Languages
  • CSC - Computer Science Main
  • CSCV - Computer Science UA South
  • CTE - Career and Technical Education
  • CTS - Clinical Translational Science
  • CYBV - Cyber Operations
  • DATA - Statistics and Data Science
  • DNC - Dance
  • DVP - Development Practice
  • EAS - East Asian Studies
  • ECE - Electrical & Computer Engr
  • ECOL - Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
  • ECON - Economics
  • EDL - Educational Leadership
  • EDP - Educational Psychology Main
  • EHS - Environmental Health Sciences
  • EIS - Entomology and Insect Science
  • EM - Engineering Mechanics
  • EMD - Emergency Medicine
  • EMDP - Emergency Medicine
  • ENGL - English Main
  • ENGR - Engineering
  • ENGV - English UA South
  • ENTO - Entomology
  • ENTR - Entrepreneurship
  • ENVS - Environmental Science
  • EPID - Epidemiology
  • ESOC - eSociety
  • ETCV - Educational Technology
  • EVS - Environmental Studies
  • FA - Fine Arts
  • FCM - Family & Community Medicine
  • FCMP - Family & Community Medicine
  • FCSC - Family and Consumer Sciences
  • FIN - Finance
  • FOOD - Food Studies
  • FREN - French
  • FSHD - Fam. Studies & Human Dev. Main
  • FSHV - Fam Studies Human Dev UA South
  • FTV - Film and Television
  • GAME - Game Design, Dev., & Behavior
  • GC - Global Change
  • GEN - Geological Engineering
  • GENE - Genetics
  • GEOG - Geography & Development
  • GEOS - Geosciences
  • GER - German Studies
  • GERO - Gerontology Main
  • GIST - Geographic Info Systems Tech
  • GLO - Studies of Global Media
  • GLS - Global Studies
  • GPSV - Government and Public Service
  • GRAD - Graduate Studies
  • GRK - Greek
  • GWS - Gender & Women's Studies
  • HED - Higher Education
  • HIST - History Main
  • HNRS - Honors Studies
  • HPS - Health Promotion Science
  • HRTS - Human Rights Practice
  • HSD - Health Sciences Design
  • HSTV - History UA South
  • HUMS - Humanities
  • HUSV - Human Services
  • HWRS - Hydrology and Water Resources
  • IA - Instruction and Assessment
  • IHM - Integrative Health & Medicine
  • IMB - Immunobiology
  • INTV - Intelligence & Info Ops
  • IRLS - Info Resources & Libr Science
  • ITAL - Italian
  • JOUR - Journalism
  • JPN - Japanese Studies
  • JUS - Judaic Studies
  • KOR - Korean
  • LAR - Landscape Architecture
  • LAS - Latin American Studies Main
  • LASV - Latin American Studies UASouth
  • LAT - Latin
  • LAW - Law
  • LCEV - Lang. & Cult. in Educ. UASouth
  • LDRV - Leadership
  • LIBR - Library Studies
  • LING - Linguistics
  • LIS - Library & Information Science
  • LRC - Language, Reading & Cult. Main
  • MAS - Mexican American Studies
  • MASV - Mex. Am. Studies UA South
  • MATH - Mathematics Main
  • MATV - Mathematics UA South
  • MCB - Molecular & Cellular Biology
  • MED - Medicine Interdept
  • MEDI - Medicine
  • MEDP - Medicine Phoenix (Interdept)
  • MENA - Middle East & N African St
  • MGMT - Management & Organizations
  • MIC - Microbiology
  • MIDP - Internal Medicine
  • MKTG - Marketing
  • MLA - Military Aerospace Studies
  • MLS - Military Science
  • MNE - Mining Engineering
  • MSE - Materials Science & Engr
  • MUS - Music Main
  • MUSI - Music Individual Studies
  • NAFS - Nutrition and Food Systems
  • NESV - Near Eastern Studies UA South
  • NETV - Network Operations
  • NEUP - Neurology
  • NEUR - Neurology
  • NROS - Neuroscience
  • NRSC - Neuroscience (Grad Program)
  • NS - Naval Science
  • NSC - Nutritional Sciences
  • NSCS - Neuroscience & Cognitive Sci
  • NURS - Nursing
  • OBG - Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • OBGP - Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • OPH - Ophthalmology & Vision Science
  • OPHP - Ophthalmology
  • OPTI - Optical Sciences
  • ORHP - Orthopedic Surgery
  • ORTH - Orthopaedic Surgery
  • OSCM - Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt
  • OTO - Otolaryngology
  • PA - Public Administration & Policy
  • PAH - Public and Applied Humanities
  • PATH - Pathology
  • PCOL - Pharmacology & Toxicology
  • PE - Physical Education Main
  • PED - Pediatrics
  • PEDP - Pediatrics
  • PFFP - Personal & Family Financial Pl
  • PHCL - Pharmacology
  • PHIL - Philosophy Main
  • PHIV - Philosophy UA South
  • PHP - Public Health Practice
  • PHPM - Public Health Policy and Manag
  • PHPR - Pharmacy Practice
  • PHSC - Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • PHYS - Physics
  • PLG - Planning
  • PLP - Plant Pathology
  • PLS - Plant Science
  • POL - Political Science Main
  • PORT - Portuguese
  • PPEL - Phil, Pol, Econ & Law
  • PR - Public Relations
  • PRS - Persian
  • PS - Physiological Sciences
  • PSIO - Physiology
  • PSY - Psychology Main
  • PSYI - Psychiatry
  • PSYP - Psychiatry
  • PSYS - Psychological Science
  • PSYV - Psychology UA South
  • PTHP - Pathology
  • PTYS - Planetary Sciences
  • RADI - Radiology
  • RADP - Radiology
  • RAM - Range Management
  • RCSC - Retailing & Consumer Science
  • RED - Real Estate Development
  • RELI - Religious Studies Main
  • RELV - Religious Studies UA South
  • REM - Remote Sensing
  • RNCV - Regional Nonmetro Commerce
  • RNR - Renewable Natural Resources
  • RONC - Radiation Oncology
  • RONP - Radiation Oncology
  • RSSS - Russian & Slavic Studies
  • SAS - Student Affairs Studies
  • SBE - Sustainable Built Environments
  • SBS - Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • SCCT - Social, Cul & Critical Theo
  • SCI - Science
  • SERP - Special Ed Rehab Sch Psyc Main
  • SGPP - Government & Public Policy
  • SIE - Systems & Industrial Engr
  • SLAT - Scnd Lang Acq & Teaching
  • SLHS - Speech, Language & Hearing Sci
  • SOC - Sociology Main
  • SPAN - Spanish Main
  • SPNV - Spanish UA South
  • SRGP - Surgery
  • STAT - Statistics
  • STCH - Science Teaching
  • SURG - Surgery
  • TAR - Theatre Arts
  • TEDV - Teacher Education UA South
  • TLS - Tch, Lrn & Sociocultural Stdy
  • TTE - Teaching & Teacher Ed. Main
  • TTEV - Teaching & Teacher Ed. UASouth
  • TURK - Turkish
  • UAG - UA Global
  • VETM - Veterinary Medicine
  • WFSC - Wildlife & Fisheries Science
  • WSM - Watershed Management
  • MIS -
  • ISTA - Information Sci, Tech & Arts
  • LASC - Letters, Arts and Science
  • ABE -
  • -

Course Numbering System

Number Definitions

Criteria for Upper/Lower-Division Courses

Number Definitions

The number by which a course is designated indicates the level of the course:

100-299: Lower-division courses primarily for freshmen and sophomores.

  • 100-199: Primarily introductory and beginning courses.
  • 200-299: Intermediate-level courses.

300-499: Upper-division courses primarily for juniors and seniors.

  • 300-399: Advanced-intermediate-level courses.
  • 400-499*: Advanced-level courses.

500-599*: Graduate courses. Open to exceptionally well-qualified seniors with the prior written approval of the course instructor and the Graduate College.

600-699: Graduate courses. Not open to undergraduate students.

700-799: Graduate courses.

800-899: Courses limited to students working toward degrees offered by the colleges of Medicine, Pharmacy, Veternary Medicine, and Public Health. Not available for credit toward other degrees.

900-999: Independent graduate study involving research, thesis, or dissertation. Not open to undergraduates.

Criteria for Upper/Lower-Division Courses

The assignment of courses to upper and lower-division is a difficult task. APASC provides these guidelines to ATFs and college/university curriculum committees for their review of course level.

Lower-division courses generally focus on foundational theories, concepts, perspectives, principles, methods, and procedures of critical thinking in order to provide a broad basis for more advanced courses. The primary intent of lower-division coursework is to equip students with the general education needed for advanced study, to expose students to the breadth of different fields of study, and to provide a foundation for specialized upper-division coursework in professional fields. Such courses have one or more of the following four purposes:

  • To acquaint students with the breadth of (inter) disciplinary fields in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, and to the historical and contemporary assumptions and practices of professional fields.
  • To introduce essential skills of literacy (e.g., information gathering, reading, and writing), language, (e.g., oral communication and language and culture other than English), numeracy, and sciences to prepare for continuing work in any field of higher education.
  • To develop specific occupational skills designed to lead directly to employment based on a two-year program of study.
  • To lay the foundation for upper-division coursework and to begin development of analytical thinking and theoretical application.

Upper-division courses are specialized, in-depth, and advanced, and emphasize problem-solving, analytical thinking skills, and theoretical applications. These courses often build on the foundation provided by the skills and knowledge of lower-division education. Upper-division courses may require the student to synthesize topics from a variety of sources. Upper-division courses may also require greater responsibility, or independence on the part of the student. Upper-division courses require instructors with specialized knowledge and preparation. Thus, many intermediate and all advanced baccalaureate courses in a field of study are properly located in the upper-division. In addition, disciplines that depend heavily on prerequisites or the body of knowledge of lower-division education may properly be comprised primarily of upper-division courses. Such courses have one or more of the following three purposes:

  • The in-depth study or application of theories and methods and the understanding of their scope and limitations.
  • The refinement of essential skills associated with the baccalaureate.
  • The development of specific intellectual and professional skills designed to lead to post-baccalaureate employment, graduate study, or professional school.