A status assigned to a student who is failing to make satisfactory academic progress after first having been given an academic warning and who successfully appeals. Eligibility for aid may be reinstated for one payment period.
A process by which a student who is not meeting satisfactory academic progress petitions the school through the appeal process for reconsideration of his/her eligibility of federal student financial aid funds.
Represents all credits for which a student is enrolled after the census date.
End of the first five class days in a term, as defined by the academic calendar, that a student may drop or add a class.
Credits attempted and credits earned for courses not required for program/degree currently enrolled in will not be used in calculating student academic progress.
All conflicting information is reviewed for SAP monitoring. Late posted grades or grade changes will not automatically change current SAP status. Students may request that the SAP status be recalculated after they have confirmed with the Registrar that a grade change has been posted to their academic record.
The unit of measurement used to show the amount of study time. ÀÇÓѸó defines 1 credit hour using the following standard: 1 credit = 15 hours of classroom instruction; or 30 hours of lab experience; or 45 hours of internship/externship experience.
A number between 0.0 and 4.0 that measures a student¡¯s overall academic achievement. It is calculated using the following process: The credit hours for each course on the student¡¯s transcript are multiplied by the grade points achieved in that particular course. The sum for all courses is totaled. The sum is then divided by the total number of credit hours registered in all semesters.
For students not in the MBA program, credit hours are considered earned credit hours earned when students earn a minimum grade of D- in a class. For MBA students, credit hours are considered earned credit hours earned when students earn a minimum grade of C in a class.
Courses listed as in-progress ¡°IP¡± do not affect a student¡¯s CGPA for SAP, but count as credit hours attempted toward both pace and maximum time frame.
Pace of completion is the quantitative measurement of the number of hours completed each semester. Pace of completion is measured at the end of each semester. In order to continue to receive financial assistance, students must complete 67% of the cumulative hours attempted at ÀÇÓѸó, including all accepted transfer hours. Grades of A, B, C, D, and P denote satisfactorily completed credit hours.
Repeated and remedial courses are counted in the calculation of pace of completion. Grades of F, W, and I are not satisfactory. Students are allowed to repeat a course and, if passed, have it count toward enrollment for financial aid eligibility once. A student cannot repeat a course more than once and receive financial aid for the repeated course. Each course attempt will count toward a student¡¯s pace of completion and all prior attempts with lower grades will count as unsuccessful credit hours attempted.
A passing grade will be included in the student¡¯s pace of completion and maximum time frame calculations. A grade of F will be included in the student¡¯s GPA, pace of completion and maximum time frame calculations.
Federal regulations require that a student has a "C" average after the second academic year. The student must have a GPA of at least 2.0 or have academic standing consistent with the University¡¯s graduation requirements.
Transfer credit grades will not count toward a student¡¯s cumulative GPA; however, these will count as both attempted and earned hours toward both pace of completion and maximum time frame for SAP.
A status assigned to a student who is failing to make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). This status may be used for one semester and only if student met SAP previously. This status cannot be used for two consecutive semesters. SAP Warning status indicates that student is not meeting required CGPA or pace of completion. Students who have reached the maximum number of credit hours attempted are not eligible for a warning term.
A withdrawal does not affect a student¡¯s cumulative GPA for SAP, but counts as credit hours attempted toward both pace of completion and maximum time frame. A grade for withdrawal (W) is different from a course which is dropped (no grade and no record of attempt.) Students who withdraw prior to the census date will not be penalized for SAP purposes. If a student withdraws after the census date, the credit hours will count toward a student¡¯s pace of completion and maximum time frame.