Political Science

Bachelor of Science

Coursework Location(s)


The Precision Nutrition and Wellness Bachelor of Science degree prepares students to work in the burgeoning field of precision nutrition. The first of its kind in the United States, our program brings together the study of human genes, nutrition, lifestyle choices, and metabolic diseases to teach students how nutrition and exercise programs, tailored to an individual?s genetic composition, can prevent and mitigate common diseases. Precision health and wellness is the future of medicine, and the University of Arizona is the only place where undergraduate students can begin to prepare for a career in this groundbreaking field.\n\nStudents in this major will build upon big data solutions developed for precision medicine and cancer treatment by finding new ways to apply data to better understand precision health from a holistic perspective, including interactions between genes, diets, and lifestyles. Students will take courses in genomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and transcriptomics to acquire a strong foundation in data sciences and the research and technologies shaping modern healthcare.
Level of Math
Moderate Knowledge
2nd Semester Proficiency
Pre-major Required?
Sample Plans 2020 - Political Science

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