Game Studies

Bachelor of Arts

Coursework Location(s)


Discover how gaming influences our world - on both personal and global scales - and how you can contribute your skills to the improvement of the human condition. The Applied Humanities Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis in Game Studies seeks to translate the personal enrichment of humanities studies into public improvement through game studies. Coursework covers game design, game development, game history, mechanics, and the unique and evolving ways human beings interact with games. Students gain hands-on skills directly applicable to the field of gaming, as well as acquire the communication, problem-solving, collaborative and critical thinking skills that are useful to a diverse range of professions. The interdisciplinary approach of this degree allows for students to develop a deep understanding of gaming that goes beyond technical expertise.
Level of Math
Moderate Knowledge
4th Semester Proficiency
Pre-major Required?
Sample Plans 2020 - Game Studies

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