
Check how much you owe in theTuition and fees channel in ÀÇÓѸó.

Payment Methods Withdrawal Refund Policy

Tuition category legend

Tuition for continuously enrolled students remains at the same rate during the course of their program. Tuition for new students and students who are not continuously enrolled and fees for all students are subject to increase beginning on July 1, 2016 (continuously enrolled students = students who do not withdraw = active students). Tuition and fees are subject to Board approval.

MBA International Business Fees
Tuition per Credit Hour $649.00
Fees per Semester $270.00
Full-Time, 9cr. Hrs. Cost $6,111.00
Graduate Fees Fees
Information Resources $162.00
Admin. Processing Fee $108.00
Total Fees $270.00
Credit Hour Calculato Graduate
1 $649.00
2 $1298.00
3* $1947.00
9** $5841.00
12*** (Student graduates in 2 years) $7788.00

* Typical number of credits per course.

** Full-time student semester course load.

*** Course load needed to finish MBA program in 2 years.

If you are very clear about your tuition, you can go to SLMto see your tuition payment status.

Explanation of Fees and Other Charges

Required Fees

Registration fees are comprised of the Student Activity Fee, Information Resources, Administrative Processing Fee and, if applicable, the charge for books. Registration fees are due each semester prior to registering for classes. The Administrative Processing Fee is non-refundable. All other fees are refundable according to the Withdrawal Refund Policy.

Optional and/or Avoidable Fees

  • Late Registration Fee - $100: If a continuing a student doesn't pay registration by the end of the first day of classes, that student will be assessed a $100 late registration fee. The last day to pay registration fees and the late registration fee is the census date.

  • Late Tuition Fee - $100: If a student registers for classes and is attending classes, but does not make, at minimum, their first tuition payment with the Business Office within the add/drop period of the semester (by the census date which is the end of the add/drop period), that student will be assessed a $100 late fee.

  • Payment Plan Enrollment Fee - $25: Students who elect to join any ÀÇÓѸó Payment Plan will be required to pay the $25 payment plan enrollment fee with their first tuition payment.

  • Late Payment Fee - $25: For students on a payment plan, all late payments (excluding registration fees) will be assessed a $25 late fee the next business day after a payment is late. Late payment fees will be applied to all late payments except, if applicable, rent. Dorm residents should refer to the housing contract for dorm payment policies. Students have 5 calendar days after the census date to pay late fees, registration fees and tuition (or set up a payment plan) or student will be subject to withdrawal from the university.

  • Lost I-20 Fee - $25: There is a $25 charge for reprinting an I-20.

  • Returned Check Fee - $50: There is a $50 charge for checks returned for insufficient funds.

  • Parking Permit Fee - $35 (one semester) or $75 (one year): Students who park on campus are required to obtain a parking permit. The permit is valid for one semester or one year from the month of purchase (as applicable).

  • Parking Permit Replacement Fee - $5: If a student loses or misplaces their parking permit, the cost to replace their permit card is $5.

  • ID Replacement Fee - $20: If a student loses or misplaces their student ID, the cost to replace their ID card is $20.

  • Transcript Fee - $10: Students requesting an official copy of their transcript are required to pay $10 per transcript and must be in good standing with the Business Office.

Fees for On-Campus Residents

Rent - Paid by semester. F-1 students must pay for the entire first semester up front.

  • 1 occupant: $1,700/semester
  • 2 occupants: $800/semester

Rent - Paid by semester. F-1 students must pay for the entire first semester up front.

  • Refrigerator (Small) $25
  • Refrigerator (Medium) $35
  • Refrigerator (Large) $45

Health Insurance

It is recommended that all students living in campus sponsored housing have health insurance.. A student can obtain insurance from various sources including being a dependent on a parent's health insurance plan, having an employer's health insurance plan, or by having individual insurance through another source. If necessary, Colorado Heights University does have resources with options for health insurance providers. This information is kept in the Student Life Office

Optional and/or Avoidable Fees

  • Full semester housing (F1 Students only - domestic students pay first month)

  • $200 Security/damage deposit (refundable)

  • $125 Application fee (non-refundable)

  • $25 PO Box fee (due at the start of each semester)

All on-campus resident fees are subject to change without notice.