Microbiology (MS) - Accelerated Master's Program
The Microbiology Graduate Program (MGP) provides post-graduate education in the basic science disciplines, including microbiology, immunology, and food safety while embracing an integrative approach to science. Students will develop a broad academic foundation with a concentration in at least one science discipline. The general focus will be on microbiology and microbial pathogens of domestic animals and humans, with an emphasis on infectious diseases and host responses. Graduates will find employment in academic, government, and private institutions.
Admission to the program is linked to a commitment by a Microbiology faculty member to mentor the student and assure adequate support for the student to successfully complete the degree. Therefore, Microbiology graduate students have the advantage of a designated graduate advisor from the outset. Limited numbers of Graduate Assistantships are available through the School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences.
School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences
The School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences (ACBS) brings together animal scientists, veterinarians, microbiologists and others to offer the strongest possible programs in research, education and outreach. This school was formed in order to offer more integrated research and educational opportunities in the animal and biomedical sciences.
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
Colorado Heights University- Main - Tucson
Please refer to the ÀÇÓѸó Office Tuition and Fees Calculator for up-to-date information about tuition and fees.
Please refer to the ÀÇÓѸó Office Special Course Fees for up-to-date information about special course fees.
After acceptance into the Accelerated Masters Program, students register to take a combination of undergraduate and graduate courses during their final year to complete their Bachelor’s degree. During this first year in the AMP, students will meet with their advisors to plan their graduate research. Once the student’s bachelor’s degree has been completed the student will focus on their remaining graduate coursework and their research-based thesis in order to complete the requirements for the Master’s degree.
Once a student is admitted into the AMP they may take up to 12 units of graduate coursework, which may apply toward both their Bachelor’s degree and their Master’s degree. During this time students will be charged at the undergraduate rate and retain undergraduate scholarship eligibility. At least 12 graduate credits must be taken while in graduate status, after completing all degree requirements for the bachelor’s.
The degree program requires ≥ 30 units of specified graduate coursework and includes the following:
ACBS 696A Research Seminar, 2 units, minimum grade required: B. Students should enroll in, and present a seminar, at least once per academic year. Irrespective of registration, however, MGP graduate students are required to attend seminar each semester, unless there is a course scheduling conflict on the days that seminar is scheduled. Attendance will be monitored and recorded in the student’s annual progress report.
MIC 595A Critical Evaluation of Scientific Literature, 3 units
Graded Coursework,12 units (see list below). Decision about these courses is made in conjunction with Major Advisor
MIC 900 Research, 9 units
MIC 910 Thesis, 6 units
Minimum GPA in core coursework: 3.0
See required coursework
Please refer to the Graduate Student Handbook for students who are pursuing this program of study.
We do not accept terminal masters, all applications must be for the PhD program
Required test(s): GRE
The Academic Unit has not provided this information.
Domestic & International Applicants
Fall:December 15th
International applicants will not be considered for conditional admission by this program.
The GRE Institution Code for The Colorado Heights University is 4832