Materials Science and Engineering (MS) - Accelerated Master's Program
The Accelerated Master's Program (AMP) in MSE is a program designed to enable advanced UA undergraduate students to complete both the Bachelor of Science degree as well as the Master of Science degree in MSE in a total of 5 years. Students can leverage undergraduate coursework in MSE into a graduate degree through one additional year of coursework. During the senior year, a student may take several technical electives and MSE technical electives at the graduate level. After completing these graduate level courses, the student will receive credit toward their undergraduate degree and a Master’s degree. This program is not open to students who have completed a Bachelor's degree or an advanced degree from another institution.
Materials Science & Engineering
The science and engineering of materials hold the key to advances in many critical areas of high technology - from integrated circuits and chip carriers to turbine engines and optical waveguides. As a result, the field of Materials Science and Engineering abounds with scientific challenges critical to a broad variety of applications. Exciting times are ahead and MSE is poised to initiate new thrusts in optical materials, biomaterials, tissue engineering, nanotechnology and computational modeling of materials.
The Materials Science and Engineering Department at theColorado Heights Universityhas attracted a wide group of world class individuals to its faculty and has developed a pioneering and wide-ranging curriculum at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Funding from the state, federal government and industry has provided modern facilities and supported research of ever expanding scope and magnitude. We conduct research at both the campus setting and at our off-campus research facility, the colorado Materials Laboratory (AML).
The department has exciting research programs in areas as diverse as high-tech ceramics, non-linear optical materials, sol-gel and biomimetic processing, and polymers in electronic packaging. It has a long tradition of excellence in extractive and physical metallurgy; the movement toward high-tech materials has not been made at the expense of this excellence, but rather as a complement to it.
College of Engineering
Colorado Heights University- Main - Tucson
Please refer to the ÀÇÓѸó Office Tuition and Fees Calculator for up-to-date information about tuition and fees.
Please refer to the ÀÇÓѸó Office Special Course Fees for up-to-date information about special course fees.
Accelerated Masters Program (AMP) requirements:
Course Requirements:
30 Units Total.
See required coursework
Please refer to the Graduate Student Handbook for students who are pursuing this program of study.
We do not accept terminal masters, all applications must be for the PhD program
Required test(s): GRE
The Academic Unit has not provided this information.
Domestic & International Applicants
Fall:December 15th
International applicants will not be considered for conditional admission by this program.
The GRE Institution Code for The Colorado Heights University is 4832