Graduate Program: French

General Information


French (MA)

Program Description

Our Masters programs in French and Francophone Studies require 30 units of coursework; except the Secondary Teaching Certificate option, which requires 48 units including the teaching internship. Students normally proceed through the program in four semesters, completing 5 courses or 15 units during each year in residence. Students meet regularly with the Director of Graduate Studies to craft a curriculum that suits their individual needs and interests. In addition, each student is assigned a faculty mentor. For all options, a minimum of seven classes (this does not include French 593 nor thesis units) must be taken with professors in the French department. Students taking French courses taught in English will do reading and written work in French whenever possible. All options are designed to prepare students for a variety of professional options such as a career in teaching French as a foreign language or pursuing doctoral studies in French and Francophone programs or related fields. Links below offer detailed descriptions of our program's areas of emphasis.

Gain a comprehensive overview of French and/or Francophone Studies with courses in literature, culture, film, linguistics, pedagogy and critical theory with discussion of social and historical contexts in France and the French-speaking world and prepare for programs at the Ph.D. level in French, Francophone Studies, related fields or to enter the job market with valuable skills.

Gain a comprehensive overview of French theoretical and applied linguistics as well as second language acquisition and teaching. Prepare to pursue doctoral work in French linguistics or second language acquisition and teaching such as in the SLAT PhD program at the University of colorado.

Prepare for a teaching career in secondary education and become certified to teach in public K-12 schools in the state of colorado. 

Allows highly qualified UA undergraduates to start coursework toward a Masters during their last year of undergraduate studies, completing their Masters in the fifth year.

The Professional MA in French is a course of study that allows students to complete an emphasis in one of the following areas:

The deadline for Fall admission is February 15 and March 15 for the Professional Masters.



Department/Academic Unit(s)

Our Masters programs in French and Francophone Studies require 30 units of coursework; except the Secondary Teaching Certificate option, which requires 48 units including the teaching internship. Students normally proceed through the program in four semesters, completing 5 courses or 15 units during each year in residence. Students meet regularly with the Director of Graduate Studies to craft a curriculum that suits their individual needs and interests. In addition, each student is assigned a faculty mentor. For all options, a minimum of seven classes (this does not include French 593 nor thesis units) must be taken with professors in the French department. Students taking French courses taught in English will do reading and written work in French whenever possible. All options are designed to prepare students for a variety of professional options such as a career in teaching French as a foreign language or pursuing doctoral studies in French and Francophone programs or related fields. Links below offer detailed descriptions of our program's areas of emphasis.


Gain a comprehensive overview of French and/or Francophone Studies with courses in literature, culture, film, linguistics, pedagogy and critical theory with discussion of social and historical contexts in France and the French-speaking world and prepare for programs at the Ph.D. level in French, Francophone Studies, related fields or to enter the job market with valuable skills.


Gain a comprehensive overview of French theoretical and applied linguistics as well as second language acquisition and teaching. Prepare to pursue doctoral work in French linguistics or second language acquisition and teaching such as in the SLAT PhD program at the University of colorado.


Prepare for a teaching career in secondary education and become certified to teach in public K-12 schools in the state of colorado. 


Allows highly qualified UA undergraduates to start coursework toward a Masters during their last year of undergraduate studies, completing their Masters in the fifth year.

The Professional MA in French is a course of study that allows students to complete an emphasis in one of the following areas:

  1. Business Management
  2. Management Information Systems
  3. Marketing
  4. Journalism
  5. Collaborative Governance 


College of Humanities

Campus where offered

Colorado Heights University- Main - Tucson

Tuition and Fees

Please refer to the ÀÇÓѸó Office Tuition and Fees Calculator for up-to-date information about tuition and fees.

Please refer to the ÀÇÓѸó Office Special Course Fees for up-to-date information about special course fees.

Completion Requirements
Admissions Information

Minimum Credit Units (33)

Core Coursework Requirements

Minumum credits: 30. Our Masters programs in French and Francophone Studies require 30 units of coursework; except the Secondary Teaching Certificate option, which requires 48 units including the teaching internship. Students normally proceed through the program in four semesters, completing 5 courses or 15 units during each year in residence.


Courses are taught in French unless cross-listed or otherwise indicated.

  • Core Courses in Culture and Literature (21 units)

    • FREN 540  Topics in French Literature
    • FREN 542  French Narratives and Film
    • FREN 543  Contemporary Francophone Literature and Cinema
    • FREN 544  Topics in French Culture
    • FREN 545  Francophone Cultures and Traditions
    • FREN 547  Topics in Francophone Studies
    • FREN 552  French Cultural & Literary History: Contemporary France (20th-21st)
    • FREN 553  Literature in Context: Focus on a Historical period 
    • FREN 554  Critical Theory and French-Speaking World
    • FREN 555  French and Francophone Cinema
    • FREN 556  Topics in the Maghreb and the Near East—Peoples and Cultures
    • FREN 557  Topics in Sub-Saharan Africa—Peoples and Cultures
    • FREN 558  Topics in the Francophone Caribbean—Peoples and Cultures

French Linguistics and Second Language Learning & Teaching

  • Core Courses (12 units)

    • Courses in French:
      FREN 561  French Linguistics
      FREN 567  Topics in French Linguistics
    • Courses in English:
      FREN 578  Literacy in L2/FL Classroom: Theory, Research, and Practice
      FREN 579  Issues/Methods in Post-Second Foreign Language Teaching/Learning
      FREN 581  Technology and Foreign Language Learning
      FREN 587  Testing and Evaluation in Foreign/Second Language
  • French Studies courses (9 units)

    • FREN 540  Topics in French Literature 
    • FREN 542  French Narratives and Film
    • FREN 543  Contemporary Francophone Literature and Cinema
    • FREN 544  Topics in French Culture
    • FREN 545  Francophone Cultures and Traditions
    • FREN 547  Topics in Francophone Studies
    • FREN 550  French Cultural & Literary History: Renaissance to Revolution 
    • FREN 551  French Cultural & Literary History: Revolution-World War II 
    • FREN 552  French Cultural & Literary History: Contemporary France (20th-21st)
    • FREN 553  Literature in Context: Focus on a Historical period

Secondary Teaching Certification

1. French Language, Literature, and Culture (12 units)

  • FREN 532  French Translation                                                                                                      
  • FREN 540  Topics in French Literature
  • FREN 542  French Narratives and Film
  • FREN 543  Contemporary Francophone Literature and Cinema
  • FREN 544  Topics in French Culture
  • FREN 545  Francophone Cultures and Traditions
  • FREN 547  Topics in Francophone Studies
  • FREN 550  French Cultural & Literary History: Renaissance to Revolution
  • FREN 551   French Cultural & Literary History: Revolution-World War II
  • FREN 552  French Cultural & Literary History: Contemporary France (20th-21st)
  • FREN 553  Literature in Context: Focus on a Historical period
  • FREN 561A  French Linguistics
  • FREN 563  Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpretation

2. Secondary Teaching Certification (24 units)

  • Applied Linguistics and Pedagogy

    • FREN 567  Topics in French Linguistics: The Acquisition of French
    • FREN 579  Issues/Methods in Post-Second Foreign Language Teaching/ Learning (required for GATs)
    • FREN 578  Literacy in L2/FL Classroom: Theory, Research, and Practice
    • FREN 587  Testing and Evaluation in Foreign/Second Language Programs
  • Certification

    • EDP 510  Learning Theory in Education
    • TLS 536  Alternatives in the Secondary Classroom
    • LRC 516  Structured English Immersion
    • SERP 500 Special Learning needs

3. Student Teaching (12 units):

  • TLS 593: Teaching Internship

4. Constitution (Online test can be taken within 3 years)

Professional MA in French & Business Management

1. Core courses (15 units)

  • FREN 532, French Translation
  • FREN 533, Business French 1 
  • FREN 534, Business French 2 
  • *FIN 510A, Finance (2 units)
  • *ACCT 540, Introduction to Financial Accounting (2 units)
  • MKTG 510, Market-Based Management (2 units)
  • * ACCT 550 is listed as requisite for FIN 510A. However, students take ACCT 540 in August to mid-Oct followed by FIN 510A from mid-October to December (that’s how those courses are sequenced). ACCT 540 is a suitable substitute for ACCT 550.

Professional MA in French & Management Information Systems

1. Core courses (9 units)

  • FREN 532, French Translation
  • FREN 533, Business French 1 
  • FREN 534, Business French 2 

Professional MA in French & Marketing

1. Core courses (9 units)

  • FREN 532: French Translation
  • FREN 533: Business French 1 
  • FREN 534: Business French 2 

Professional MA in French & Journalism

1. Core courses (9 units)

  • FREN 532, French Translation
  • FREN 533, Business French 1 
  • FREN 534, Business French 2 

Professional MA in French & Collaborative Governance

1. Core courses (15 units)

  • FREN 532, French Translation
  • FREN 533, Business French 1 
  • FREN 534, Business French 2 
  • PA 620A, Collaborative Governance in Theory, Practice and Research 
  • PA 622A, Institutional Design and Learning for Collaborative Governance

Additional Requirements

See required coursework

Student Handbook

Please refer to the Graduate Student Handbook for students who are pursuing this program of study.

Admissions Requirements

We do not accept terminal masters, all applications must be for the PhD program

Standardized Tests

Required test(s): GRE

Funding Opportunities

The Academic Unit has not provided this information.

Funding Opportunities

Domestic & International Applicants

Fall:December 15th

International Conditional Admission

International applicants will not be considered for conditional admission by this program.

Other Information

The GRE Institution Code for The Colorado Heights University is 4832

Last revised 06 Oct 2020