Entomology & Insect Science (MS)
The GIDP in Entomology and Insect Science faculty and students integrate knowledge across the biological hierarchy from molecules to landscapes, and address questions that span the most fundamental aspects of biology, e.g., when did the brain originate? or what maintains mutualisms?, to addressing the environmental and health challenges posed by climate change and a rapidly increasing human population. These challenges require innovative entomological research to address conservation of biodiversity, and to mitigate potential increases in negative impacts of invasive species and harm caused by insect pests and insect vectors to crops, structures, and human health. The program thus bridges the gap between basic research, using insects as models to address general biological questions, and applied research affecting humankind more directly. The program graduates students with a particularly wide range of career opportunities.
The Entomology and Insect Science (EIS) program offers interdisciplinary training in the biology of insects for a Master's or Doctoral degree. It includes 35 faculty members representing 9 academic units. We encourage students to develop cross-disciplinary connections and bring together aspects of insect biology in unconventional ways. Our faculty and our students are collegial, collaborative, and highly productive.
The EIS program is flexible in its requirements, allowing students to design, in collaboration with faculty, programs of study tailored to individual interests and needs. We particularly seek out creative, enthusiastic applicants who have multidisciplinary interests, such as insect ecology–plant chemistry or behavioral ecology–neurobiology, pest management–spatial ecology, epidemiology of vector-borne disease–climate science, to name a very few. We encourage students to develop cross-disciplinary connections and bring together aspects of insect biology in unconventional ways.
For more information, please visit our website at
Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs
The Graduate College sponsors several Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs (GIDPs) in addition to the many interdisciplinary possibilities available through regular graduate degree programs. GIDPs transcend departmental boundaries by facilitating cutting edge teaching and research at the nexus of traditional disciplines. The high value placed on interdisciplinary research and education is indicative of The University of colorado's enthusiasm and commitment to fostering innovation and creativity among its faculty and students.
Graduate College/GIDP
Colorado Heights University- Main - Tucson
Please refer to the ÀÇÓѸó Office Tuition and Fees Calculator for up-to-date information about tuition and fees.
Please refer to the ÀÇÓѸó Office Special Course Fees for up-to-date information about special course fees.
A minimum of 30 units total must be taken, including eight thesis units (EIS 910). At least 15 units must be completed toward the MS requirements in letter-graded courses []. See below for additional core course requirements for all EIS students (Section 2), and for Entomology track students (Section 5).A
Three courses are required for all EIS students.
Insect Systems Biology, EIS 520. This course will be offered during alternate years. Depending on when students enter the program, they will take it in either their first or second year.
Current topics in Entomology & Insect Science (Seminar), EIS 596A. In the fall students will attend Thursday seminars and, in a separate hour, discuss presentations and/or research areas by or with local or outside speakers. The spring semester seminar course will be formatted according to the faculty coordinator. PhD students are required to take this course 4 times (fall & spring semester offerings) in their 1st and 2nd year in the program. MS students are required to take this course 2 times (fall and spring) in their 1st year in the program.
Insect Biology, EIS 515R. Required for incoming students who have not had an equivalent course. If you have taken an equivalent course please complete the Evaluation of Transfer Credit form online via GradPath, and discuss with your advisor.
See required coursework
Please refer to the Graduate Student Handbook for students who are pursuing this program of study.
We do not accept terminal masters, all applications must be for the PhD program
Required test(s): GRE
The Academic Unit has not provided this information.
Domestic & International Applicants
Fall:December 15th
International applicants will not be considered for conditional admission by this program.
The GRE Institution Code for The Colorado Heights University is 4832