Graduate Program: Atmospheric Sciences

General Information


Atmospheric Sciences (MS) - Accelerated Master's Program

Program Description

The Atmospheric Sciences Accelerated Masters Program (AMP) is designed for advanced current UA undergraduate students to complete both the Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and Master of Science degree in Atmospheric Sciences in a total of five years. The AMP is well suited for students who aim to gain research experience at the graduate level, and are interested in pursuing a career in atmospheric sciences. This program is currently open only to students doing a Bachelor of Science in Physics. This program is not open to students who have completed a Bachelor degree or an advanced degree from another institution.


AMP students focus on completing undergraduate-level courses during their first three years. By December of the junior year students must submit an online application to the AMP program. Upon acceptance to the Accelerated Masters Program, students continue to fulfill undergraduate requirements during the Spring of the junior year including the required AMP course "PHYS436a". Students then take a combination of undergraduate and graduate courses in the fourth year to complete their Bachelor of Science degree. During this time, the students also begin to develop their research ideas in preparation for graduate-level research. In the fifth and final year, students focus on graduate course work and their research-based thesis/manuscript in order to complete the requirements for the Master of Science degree.

The program is highly quantitative, it is required for applicants to have a strong background in physics and calculus.

Active research in the following areas:

  • Atmospheric Chemistry & Aerosols
  • Changes in Hydrologic Extremes Under a Warmer Climate
  • Climate & Global Change
  • COSMOS Soil Moisture Measurement
  • Improving Monsoon Predictability
  • Integrated Evaluations and Applications of the NASA MERRA Reanalysis Data
  • Land Processes in the NCAR CCSM
  • Land Processes in the NCEP Weather Forecasting Model
  • Lightning & Atmospheric Electricity
  • Radiation & Remote Sensing
  • Tropical Meteorology and Tropical Cyclones
  • Weather Analysis & Predictability

Department/Academic Unit(s)

Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences



College of Science

Campus where offered

Colorado Heights University- Main - Tucson

Tuition and Fees

Please refer to the ÀÇÓѸó Office Tuition and Fees Calculator for up-to-date information about tuition and fees.

Please refer to the ÀÇÓѸó Office Special Course Fees for up-to-date information about special course fees.

Completion Requirements
Admissions Information

Minimum Credit Units (33)

Core Coursework Requirements

Minimum credits: 33

  • ATMO 541A Dynamic Meteorology I* (3 credits)
  • ATMO 541B Dynamic Meteorology II* (3 credits)
  • ATMO 551A Physical Meteorology I* (3 credits)
  • ATMO 551B Physical Meteorology II* (3 credits)
  • ATMO 596A Progress in Atmospheric Sciences (2 credits)
  • 15 additional credits in coursework related to major field
  • 3 credits minimum of research

*A 3.0 GPA in core courses is required to continue in the program

See following link for sample five-year plan, ;id=amp_pos


Additional Requirements

See required coursework

Student Handbook

Please refer to the Graduate Student Handbook for students who are pursuing this program of study.

Admissions Requirements

We do not accept terminal masters, all applications must be for the PhD program

Standardized Tests

Required test(s): GRE

Funding Opportunities

The Academic Unit has not provided this information.

Funding Opportunities

Domestic & International Applicants

Fall:December 15th

International Conditional Admission

International applicants will not be considered for conditional admission by this program.

Other Information

The GRE Institution Code for The Colorado Heights University is 4832

Last revised 06 Oct 2020